
Establishing a global cooperation system

Establishing an external collaboration framework for the hydrogen sector by establishing cooperation channels with major countries, identifying and planning customized collaboration projects, operating bilateral and multilateral cooperation platforms, and organizing international events

Establishment of an International Cooperation Network

Building a collaborative network through signing Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with major countries such as Australia and Japan to promote hydrogen cooperation

  • Australia Hydrogen Mobility Cooperation (Feb. 2022)
  • Japan JH2A (Oct. 2022)
  • Germany TUV Rheinland (Sep. 2023)
  • China Foshan Environmental and Energy Research Institute (Jun. 2024)
Hosting International Events

Organizing and hosting global events in the hydrogen field

  • Korea-China International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Industry Summit (May 2024)
  • First Korea-Japan Hydrogen Cooperation Dialogue (Jun. 2024)